Unlocking Direct Engagement: How Innovative DeFi Companies Harness Push Protocol in the Web3 Revolution

updated on 11 June 2024

The DeFi landscape has witnessed the rise of industry giants like Uniswap and Aave, gaining widespread recognition. However, amidst these prominent platforms, a group of dynamic companies is making significant strides in the Web3 revolution. In this article, we highlight a selection of innovative companies that have caught our attention with their valuable contributions to the DeFi ecosystem. What sets them apart is their compelling approach to directly engage with their communities. Before delving into their unique strategies, let’s explore these remarkable companies in greater detail.

Push.org: Empowering Secure Web3 Messaging

Push.org has emerged as a leader in developing secure and private Web3 messaging solutions. Their innovative approach leverages blockchain technology and cryptographic protocols to facilitate encrypted and tamper-proof communication.

PoolTogether: Revolutionizing Savings with Prize-Linked Decentralization

PoolTogether is a decentralized protocol for prize-linked savings, offering a chance to win prizes without risking deposited funds. Users deposit into the network, and the accrued yield is randomly awarded as prizes. With over $5 million in prizes distributed, including a $74 deposit winning over $40,000, PoolTogether is a popular and pioneering DeFi application that incentivizes saving through prize opportunities.

Mai.finance: Unlock Financial Possibilities with Mai Finance

Mai Finance is the frontend/dashboard for QiDao, an overcollateralized stablecoin protocol. Users can mint MAI stablecoins against decentralized token collaterals through 0% interest loans. Governed by the community, QiDao combines the best of stablecoin protocols and offers use cases like preserving crypto value and accessing instant loans. 

Halofi.me: Empowering Financial Success in DeFi

HaloFi (formerly GoodGhosting) is a financial platform that helps individuals achieve their best financial selves. Features include badges, Halo Heroes avatars, shareable profiles, new leaderboards, easy crypto transfers, more challenges, customizable deposit amounts, fairer reward distribution, and revamped GG Scores. 

Ethsign.xyz: Trustworthy Blockchain-based Document Signing

Ethsign.xyz offers reliable blockchain-based document signing and verification services, harnessing the immutability and transparency of blockchain technology. Their platform ensures the authenticity and integrity of digital documents, facilitating a secure and trustworthy signing process.

The Power of Push Protocol

While exploring these innovative DeFi solutions, we discovered a hidden connection shared by these pioneering companies. PoolTogether, Mai.finance, Halofi.me, Ethsign.xyz, all utilize Push Protocol to communicate directly, securely, and privately with their community members.

Push Protocol, provided by Push.org, offers an intriguing solution for companies seeking to establish direct and meaningful connections with their web3 wallet users. This protocol enables secure and private communication, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential while allowing companies to share important updates, notifications, and personalized messages.

By integrating Push Protocol, these innovative companies have unlocked a new dimension of engagement and privacy within the Web3 ecosystem. They can effortlessly reach their community members with relevant information and create a seamless user experience, all while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security.


The DeFi landscape continues to evolve, driven by the contributions of forward-thinking companies harnessing the power of Web3 technology. Through secure messaging, transformative savings games, enhanced wallet security, decentralized social networks, trustworthy document signing, and trustless lotteries, these companies have reshaped traditional financial experiences and enhanced user privacy and security.

The adoption of Push Protocol further solidifies their commitment to direct and meaningful engagement with their communities. This innovative protocol enables secure and private communication, allowing these companies to provide timely updates, notifications, and personalized messages to their web3 wallet users.

To learn more about the exciting world of Web3 solutions and discover how to engage with your community, visit our website at www.getpercs.com. Explore the innovative solutions of PERCS and stay up to date with the latest advancements in decentralized finance and Web3.

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