Appchains ( Layer 3 chains or L3 chains ) allow complete flexibility for App builders to create independent chains using Ethereum's EVM as runtime. Typically building an app on top of the L1 or L2 chain requires extreme and deep knowledge of blockchain. This results in slow development time, lengthy security reviews, slow transaction processing, gas management, and many customers and other user experience issues.
Appchains look to resolve these issues. Appchain developers can choose specific blockchain limitations and tune them to improve app development and user experience. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages.
Speed of Development
Speed of development and speed of execution is tuned to support game execution and transaction execution. This will allow users to get a Web2-like experience.
Gas management
Gas management can cause many issues in designing the user experience. With Appchains users can expect no gas or managed gas execution for certain transactions. This seems one of the biggest advantages of Layer 3 chains. Also, Apps will be immune to rapid changes in gas prices on L2 or L1.
Security by L2 or L1
The app builder can decide how and when L2 and L1 security is leveraged. An app developer can create a custom path to secure Appchain by using rollups on L2 or L1.
Custom User Experience
Due to slow transactions many complex UX cannot be built with L1 or L2s. A good UX is possible when Appchain is in complete control of developers.
A few disadvantages are also apparent; hopefully, they wear out once a few applications are in production.
- Creating customizable infrastructure
- Blockchain semantics for novice
- Requires staking before building L3
A few examples of Appchains or L3s are
- Polygon Supernet : Polygon is building supernet with all required features and showing committment to build end to end experience for Game Developers.
- Avalanche Subnet : Avalanche is also showing commitment to build Appchains.
- Arbitrum Orbit chain : You can find more information about it here https://docs.arbitrum.io/launch-orbit-chain/orbit-gentle-introduction
Appchains herald a transformative phase in the blockchain ecosystem, ushering in efficiency and user-centric development. This Layer 3 revolution is reshaping how we view and engage with the digital frontier.
At PERCS, we're not mere spectators. Our specialized tokengating solution for Shopify allows brands to effortlessly embrace Web3. With our vision set on empowering the next million brands, we stand poised to not only witness but actively sculpt the future landscape of e-commerce in the Web3 domain. Send a message to our Social Media channels or to our email builders@getpercs.com, we would love to connect!