Momoka, A layer 3 solution built by Lens.

published on 28 April 2023

Layer 2 scaling solutions have become well-known for enabling faster transactions and scaling the power of Ethereum or other chains. However, what about Layer 3? This is where Lens Protocol comes in, presenting their latest innovation - Momoka.

Momoka is an optimistic L3 scaling solution that processes transactions at hyperscale, designed to support the next generation of web3 social users. Unlike L2 solutions, Momoka doesn't compress transactions into L1 but instead sends and stores them on a data availability layer. This layer is utilized to prevent storing information on-chain, and content on Lens may include an on-chain transaction, with the content data linked to a data availability location like Momoka.

What is a Layer 2? 

Layer 2 scaling solutions, such as Optimistic Rollups, ZK Rollups, and Plasma, are already in use in the Ethereum ecosystem. These solutions aim to reduce transaction fees and improve throughput by processing transactions off-chain, bundling them together, and then submitting them to the main chain as a single batch.

From Layer 2 to Layer 3.

While Momoka is also a scaling solution, it operates at a higher level than L2 solutions. Instead of compressing transactions into L1 or bundling them together, Momoka sends and stores transactions on a data availability layer, which allows it to process transactions at hyperscale while minimizing costs. This means that Momoka is a promising solution for the next generation of decentralized social networks and other applications that require high throughput and scalability.

The Lens team has been working relentlessly with the Bundlr Network and ArweaveEco teams to ensure scalability by providing Data Availability (DA) guarantees. This allows the use of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-supported wallets to save DA logic and facilitates the rapid publishing of data. Permissionless innovation is at the core of everything Lens does on their platform, and they realize that to scale to the masses, they need to build new solutions.

Since the announcement, Momoka has already been beta tested on various applications like Lenster, Lenstube, Orb, and more. Lens looks forward to seeing more applications roll out Momoka, and they've even built the Momoka Explorer to track and find Momoka transactions and monitor the throughput speed of Momoka.


In summary, Momoka is an innovative solution that doesn't compress transactions into L1 but sends and stores them on a data availability layer. 

We've been actively testing Lens and have already established a presence on some of the social media channels built on Lens, including Lenster, Lenstube, and Orb. With the announcement of Momoka, we're thrilled about the potential this new solution brings to the table and the many exciting possibilities it unlocks for the future of decentralized social networks. 

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